
How do I know what product I need for my business?

When should I cancel my existing connection?

Will you buy us out of our current contract?

How is Orbital different to other ISPs?


How long does it take to get up and running?

How long does the install take?

How do I know that I will get the speeds I ordered?

What if you arrive to install and can’t get a signal?

Does someone need to be present for the install?

What if I am unavailable on the date you provide for install?

Can I choose the time that the engineer arrives?

What is contention?

How long is the contract?

FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet)

How long is the contract?

How do I know If I can get FTTC?

What is the fair usage cap?

Why do I need a wireless back up?

Leased Lines

How does a leased line work?

How long does it take to get up and running?

How long does the install take?

Do I have to be available for the survey?

How much will the excess constructions charges be?

Who will complete the install and make sure our internal infrastructure is all correct?